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Social Media Marketing

Are you tired of not making progress with your social media efforts? Do you lack the time and expertise required to manage your social media activities to achieve your business goals? This is the dilemma of most mid-size and large companies in Nigeria. Intense specializes in using Social Media to help businesses achieve their unique goals especially of awareness, increasing customer base and customer service.

Social Media Management

Social media is not just about posting pictures and videos on Facebook and twitter. Before you start investing resources you need to develop a strategy specially tailored to your business and your potential customers. Intense has a track record of developing some of the most effective social media strategies for businesses because we have a deep understanding of the social media terrain. We help you create and post the right content that would connect with your target audience, grow your online community, increase sales and keep in you in the mind and hearts of your customers.

Social Media Campaigns

Most people are not on social media to work, they are there to relax and look for fun things that can entertain, engage or reward them. This is why there is constant need for Social media campaigns. For you to sustain the interest of your audience and attract more potential customers, you must keep them captivated with competitions, games and never been seen before concepts. Creativity is our strength at Intense and we are adept at creating concepts that drive engagement, clicks to your website, downloads and other objectives your business seeks to achieve.

Content creation and Management

Content is the fuel of successful online businesses. For your business to succeed, you need to regularly churn out helpful and valuable resources that solve your customers’ problems and position you as a leader in your industry. In collaboration with your business, Intense helps research and develop content that keep people coming back to your website and even subscribe for updates thus increasing the size of your database and potential customers.

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